Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Colorado Snow

It's snowing....still. It has been snowing for the last 12+ hours and they are saying we could have up to two feet. Nice that the forecast said "light flurries". We had decided to finish putting up the Christmas lights. Obviously we were not able to get the yard decorations in but we did manage to finish the lights on the house despite the blowing snow and frigid cold. What a damper! We decided since it was Noah's first Colorado snow that we should dress him up and see how he liked it. So we bundled him up and threw him in. Within 10 seconds he was face down in the existing 6 inches and began to scream. I tried to take pictures but the camera was on the wrong setting so they turned our blurry but you can still see some of his displeasure!

My Grandma Loves Me!

Noah's Grandma made him a hat and sweater and he loves it. Isn't he cute!

Friday, November 28, 2008

And it begins......

11 Months!

One more month. One more month and Noah will be a year. We have been busy planning two Birthday parties, one here and one in MN. And then there is Christmas. So much to do and so little time. It seems to be a perpetual problem here. But, somehow along the way we are managing to appreciate and enjoy the small things.

Here are Noah's Stats
Weight: 21 pounds 11.5 ounces
Height: 32 inches
Translation: BIG BOY

Some things that Noah is enjoying
- Crawling through and under everything, even when he doesn't fit
- Pushing buttons
- Having temper tantrums with screaming and throwing himself on the floor
- Food of all kinds, except eggs...he manages to throw them up
- Playing with the dogs and chasing them
- Cars and trucks
- Babbling and talking
- Swimming
- Feed himself with a spoon
- Kissing mom and dad
- Talking on his cell phone (wonder where he gets that)
- Playing air guitar to music
- Reading books the Noah way
- Escaping to the stairs when no one is looking and the gate is undone


Breckenridge and Aspen

We went to Aspen for a couple of hockey games Jenni was playing in. On the way up we stopped and spent the night in Breck with our friends Sheri and Grant. It was too short of a weekend and Jenni's team lost pretty good, but we still had fun. The hotel we stayed in was brand new. By that we mean they had to put together the beds before we could check in and so we got to be the first to sleep in the beds. Noah enjoyed his time and had fun playing with Jenni's hockey stick.

Friday, November 14, 2008