Monday, November 30, 2009

Decorating Helland Style

We began decorating the house last weekend. Noah was busy helping us and everytime we turned around he was trying to climb some sort of ladder. He had fun and loves looking at the lights and screaming 'hi lights' every time he sees them on

Noah was really excited when we let him climb the ladder to help us decorate the tree. Although he liked to put all the bulbs right on top of each other it turned out awesome.

I went to clean up the shedding parts of the tree and garland on the bannister. I was vacuuming and B was putting totes up in the garage. Noah took the attachment to the vacuum and was pretending to vacuum. He disappeared and I turned off the vacuum in time to catch him swinging the attachment at the tree as a baseball bat yelling "ha---yah" with each swing as bulbs were breaking everywhere. After laughing and grabbing the camera to capture this naughty milestone we explained to Noah he was being bad and he said "sorry mommy" and gave me a kiss. How can you not fall in love with that.

Tummy Time

Anything you can do I can do better

There has been some competition in the Helland household lately. The best way to explain it is the lyrics "anything you can do I can do better, anything I can do better than you cant....yes I can yes I can yes I can."

Noah has taken to copying everything he sees people around him doing. Its a friendly reminder of one of our family commandments...thou shall not cuss in front of the very observant and vocal toddler. If Noah sees B or I lounging he puts his hands behind his head and lounges. He can no longer sleep in his car bed because he saw adults sleeping in the other bed in his room. He needs to feed his baby whenever Lydia nurses. However, its not just a grown up thing. He likes to copy Lydia as well. Once I take her out of her glider he jumps in with paci in his mouth. Last night it was the Bumble seat. I took Lydia out and he had to jump in. Im sure it will only be a matter of time that we hear "MOM Noah is copying me....." so for now we will just enjoy it and smile.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lets hope no dog peed on that snow

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lydia Turns 2 Months

Lydia turned two months a couple weeks ago. Where does the time go? She currently weighs 11 pounds on the nose (40 something percentile) and is a little more than 24.5 inches long (98%). So in the short she is long and skinny. Noah was heavier at this age but Lydia is definately smaller boned and a girl.

What is Lydia Up to These Days:
Holding her Head up Strong
Loving Tummy Time

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mom Turns 30

On November 7 I turned 30! I didnt have a crisis like most. Instead at 10.30 that morning the doorbell rang and it was my mom with a bow on her head. She was able to stay for 5 days and we had a really good time. It was the best gift ever. Noah and Lydia loved her. Lydia's first laugh was for her, which is awesome she got the chance to share the moment. We went out for Sushi with some friends for dinner and then celebrated on Tuesday with a birthday day off from work and a homemade dinner or horseradish crusted filet, home fries, and wine. It was perfect.