Friday, May 14, 2010

What Do You Like on Your Hamburger

Noah is the pickiest eater in the world. He has never liked vegetables even mixed with pasta. At 11 months he could isolate a pea from a mouthful of food and manage to spit it out. Zuchinni the same. He has gained 7 pounds since being 8 months old (for those of you not good at math that is 22 months).

Tuesday we had hamburgers for dinner. Nice hamburgers with onions, mushrooms and swiss cheese on the grill. I assembled hamburgers for everyone and Noah decided that today he was going to be on a ketchup strike. One thing I have learned from being the mother of a two year old is always ask before doing something because the smallest thing can turn into a melt down. I asked if he wanted ketchup on his burger he said no. I put it on there a little anyhow and hid it. I gave him some potatoes and put some ketchup on his plate and put it in front of him. BOOM...Meltdown. Brian quickly scrapped the ketchup off the plate and the crisis was resolved. Noah started to take the bun off the burger. He did and played with it and then said "pbutter....pbutter". I thought to myself surely he is not saying peanut butter. I stared at Brian. "Pbutter....Pbutter". Brian and I again looked at each other puzzle. We told Noah to show us and he pointed at the cabinet. Brian brought him to the cabinet and lifted him up. He opened that cabinet and surely enough grabbed the peanut butter. We sat him back at the table with a kid's knife thinking he would put it on the bread and eat it. WRONG. He smeared that "pbutter" all over the burger. Put the top back on and ate it.

DISGUSTING! Especially to I who HATES PBUTTER! However, I did smile. Only a 2 year old and hey at least he ate some protein.

8 Months

Lydia turned 8 months last weekend (Im a week behind).
On her 8 month birthday she was contemplating crawling and could scoot around. This week she inch worm crawled and would lay on her stomach, bring her feet up by her hands and put her butt up in the air like down ward dog then push her hands out in front and flop back to her belly. I must admit it was sort of violent looking and I was waiting a bloody nose. Now she simply goes from her knees to flopping on her stomach and is even trying to do the traditional crawl only to get frustrated and flop again.

Lyds, Liddy, Lydia Lou whatever you want to call her is growing quick. She and Noah are great friends and she is so petite compared to Noah at this age. I just looked and she is about 3 pounds smaller than Noah at this age. She has started to slow down in length finally.

Weight 16lbs 3 oz
Length 28.5 inches

Noah is beginning to look more and more like a little boy and less like a toddler. I recently cut his hair and that always makes him look older. Pictures to come soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

MN Trip

Between jobs I took the kids to MN. We had a great time. Grandma and Grandpa were NOT expecting us at all and was the most surprised I have ever seen them.


It's like riding a really do never forget how

Its been about 20 years since I have ridden a bike so Brian thought it was time. We went out and bought one for me and rode later that day. At the store the guy saw the fear in my eyes when he had me get "sized" for the bike. (Who knew there was such a thing!). Im surprised he didnt bust a gut when I first attempted to get on. I got a special seat but still my butt was sore. It will take some getting used to but I am excited for the Starlight Spectacular in June!


Easter 2010

MMMMM......nothing like trying to shove the entire Peep in your mouth
Noah made sure they both wore their ears
Lydia clearly annoyed with the ears on her head
looking for his basket which was right in the corner behind him