Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pa Meet Liam

Three Stooges

Liam Two and Three Months Old

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lydia the Poop Monster

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Preislers and Grandma Come to Visit

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Liam Christopher James

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Noah had a GREAT time at VBS

For his first time being left alone with no one he knew, Noah adjusted well. On the last day he even went up on the stage by himself and did a funny face!

(he's the last one on the right with the striped long sleeved shirt)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Told you she's not as innocent as she looks!

We love it when Mom bakes!

Bath Time

Tale of Noah

Noah has been a great source of entertainment lately. The other night he told me he thought he was going to throw up. I asked him why, to which he replied because there was something moving in my belly. I asked him what it felt like, his response was "prickly". "Prickly!?" I said, his reponse "yes prickly mom.....but dont worry I didnt eat a cactus today". I busted out laughing, and said the only response I could think of "that's good, we wouldn't want you to eat a catcus"

A few days before that he was caught writing with chalk on the walls. He proudly showed me all the spots he colored, even those I hadn't discover yet. Thats when he was told he needed to wash the walls as a punishment. I thought he didnt like it much and that he had learned his lesson until about a week later when he colored all of a room divider and some other things.

Loving Mom's New Bed!

Mother's Day 2011

After visiting Grandma in the hospital we stopped at a park for some fun with the kids

Visiting Grandma

With Grandma Eva being in and out of the hospital dealing with surgery and being sick the kids have really missed her and enjoyed the times that we do get to spend with her, especially when they get to cuddle

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hudson has been sick for over a month now. We have tried all sorts of special diets and drug combinations but have not been able to get on top of whatever is going on with him. It is something with his intestines or bowel and his body is not absorbing protein. Other than that he is normal, he has no problems still announcing his presence to the neighborhood when he goes outside, playing with the kids, or stealing food from their hands. So all in all it doesnt seem to be affecting him in a way that he feels too yucky. He is the thinest he has ever been, only 11 pounds. The recommendation is to go a an internal specialist for dogs, however they think that what he has is untreatable and eventually he will retain fluid on the other organs. We are debating what to do seeing at the present time he seems so perfect, except for his emergency bathroom runs throughout the day and night.

Noah has taken to calling Hudson his "best friend". He went with me to the first vet appointment when this all started and proudly announced to the vet "Hudson is my best friend". That was right after he told the doctor he was "tres" and he was going "AAArreeba" or up in Spanish, leaving the vet speechless.

Noah has also taken to picking on his best friend, pulling his tail and hair. We had a talk the other night about how Hudson is sick and Noah needs to be nice to him. Noah asked how we were "going to make his tummy feel better" and I explained to him that we were trying with the special food mommy had been cooking for him. Noah then got a pouty look on his face and said "mommy, is Hudson going to die". I was honest because we dont know how much longer he will be with us, so I said he may. Noah started crying "but he cant die, he is my best friend". It just about made my heart break. I told him that Hudson still had some time and was not going to die today. That made him feel better. It was then that we decided that perhaps the best friend and little boy should sleep together. So now at night, Hudson goes to sleep with Noah. Once its our bed time we move him into the kennel in Noah's room. So far its going well, and the memories of the boy and his best friend are priceless

Grandma Comes to Visit

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Baby Yoga

The Unicorn Song

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March 2011

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Brotherly and Sisterly Love - or screaming

Breakfast on the deck - it was 72 on Saturday!

Typical Noah

Lydia striking a pose during a dance move


Down to Salida we went for Brendan's birthday and to spend time with the other Hellands. It was a good time and the kids had beautiful weather to play outside as it was in the 60s in January

At the Gym

Being at a private law firm has allowed me to take my holidays free of guilt to spend with the kids. When I have a Monday off, the kids and I go to open gym and meet up with some friends. They have a blast and jump jump jump.


We put Noah in skating lessons at the World Arena. It was a DISASTER! He spent most of his time lying on the ice while the teenage instructors skated up to him and told him to stand up, which he could not do hence why he was on the ice. 45 minutes later the session was done and we pulled him from the rest. Brian and I have been trying to teach him to skate but lately he has been uninterested, we have managed to make it to the rink one time with him excited and it went ok. we will continue trying, he keeps telling us he wants to play hockey "like Ben" but we are telling him he must skate first.