Friday, February 18, 2011

Brotherly and Sisterly Love - or screaming

Breakfast on the deck - it was 72 on Saturday!

Typical Noah

Lydia striking a pose during a dance move


Down to Salida we went for Brendan's birthday and to spend time with the other Hellands. It was a good time and the kids had beautiful weather to play outside as it was in the 60s in January

At the Gym

Being at a private law firm has allowed me to take my holidays free of guilt to spend with the kids. When I have a Monday off, the kids and I go to open gym and meet up with some friends. They have a blast and jump jump jump.


We put Noah in skating lessons at the World Arena. It was a DISASTER! He spent most of his time lying on the ice while the teenage instructors skated up to him and told him to stand up, which he could not do hence why he was on the ice. 45 minutes later the session was done and we pulled him from the rest. Brian and I have been trying to teach him to skate but lately he has been uninterested, we have managed to make it to the rink one time with him excited and it went ok. we will continue trying, he keeps telling us he wants to play hockey "like Ben" but we are telling him he must skate first.