Thursday, February 28, 2008
Noah and His *little* Cousin Brendan
Posted by Jenni at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dad's First Story Time
Tonight we were sitting around after Noah got done visiting with Grandma via the new web cam. Anyhow I suggested that B read little B a book. B started laughing and said "a book!?, he can't understand a book". Then I told him that wasn't the purpose but that Little B likes the hear voice inflections. So B went and got "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" out of the diaper bag. He began to read. After the third page he looked at me and said "This guy was on drugs when he wrote this, who thinks of this stuff". A couple seconds later it was "I think this guy had a fever or something when he wrote this". He reads a little more and says "look this is a demonic book, it went from Fish to Ned". Finally Little B starts to fuss and B says "he doesn't like this book anymore". He puts the book down and the next two things he says he feels the need to make into a Dr. Suess-like ryhme and a demon. Its going to be a long couple of years.
Posted by Jenni at 8:47 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Noah is discovering his other parts!
Posted by Jenni at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
BIG Boy!
Noah had his 2 month well baby check. Here are his stats
Length: 24.75 inches (97% percentile)
Weight: 12 lbs 3.5oz (68% percentile)
Head: 15 1/2 inches (25% percentile)
Told you all he was a BIG boy! But we love him and his bigness.
On another note he has a yeasty diaper rash and we are pretty sure we are battling thrush. Thank God I have the smartest Mom and sister in the world. My Mom told me to have the doctor look at it and give me her input because of what I was describing. Annie then gave us all sorts of natural remedies to battle it. She also clued me into why I have been so sore the last week or so from feeding him. So we will be trying those this week and I'm sure that will lead us to some very entertaining pictures in the coming week to post. I guess all this means I have to stop telling Noah to stop playing when he is nursing because he probably isn't, it's probably just his reaction to the yeast...poor baby. Man is this first time mom thing is really an educational experience. I think they need to amend the sex ed chapters they teach in highschool about pregnancy and birth to include some of this real life stuff, maybe then little kids will stop having babies because they will be scared to death.
Posted by Jenni at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Noah and Kate
Mom has talked about Kate who was born a month after Noah and just a few ounces smaller. Here is a picture of Noah and Kate when Noah was one month old. See he is huge!
Posted by Jenni at 10:37 AM 0 comments