Tonight we were sitting around after Noah got done visiting with Grandma via the new web cam. Anyhow I suggested that B read little B a book. B started laughing and said "a book!?, he can't understand a book". Then I told him that wasn't the purpose but that Little B likes the hear voice inflections. So B went and got "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" out of the diaper bag. He began to read. After the third page he looked at me and said "This guy was on drugs when he wrote this, who thinks of this stuff". A couple seconds later it was "I think this guy had a fever or something when he wrote this". He reads a little more and says "look this is a demonic book, it went from Fish to Ned". Finally Little B starts to fuss and B says "he doesn't like this book anymore". He puts the book down and the next two things he says he feels the need to make into a Dr. Suess-like ryhme and a demon. Its going to be a long couple of years.
11 years ago
Thank you so much for that story! I had some similar thoughts the first time I read that book. Now one of my favorites.
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