Its been three weeks since Lydia was born. The doctor still wants her on oxygen and she will be tested yet again tomorrow to see if she can get off of it. We believe the machine was not working properly, because it would get a bad reading every time she moved. We are hoping for the all clear after tomorrow so we can get all the equipment out of our house. We have been busy cleaning the house and getting into a normal routine and just being a family. Adjusting from one to two kids is harder than I ever imagined but we are coping with the help of Starbucks. Lydia's room is almost done. I never imagined I would have a pinkish/purple room for my girl (honestly I never thought I would have a girl) but her room is pinkish/purple with gray and white. We may add some minty green accents, and Brian has yet to cut out the famous Helland Kid Room circles and have me paint them, but it will all get done in time. Noah is adjusting to having a little sister as well as an almost 2 year old can. He brings us much laughter and frustration every day. Today he got apple cider vinegar in his mouth for his high pitched tempter tantrum screaming. He looked at us shocked and tried screaming again. After another bit of vinegar and a funny look at us, he asked for some water and even said please. Lydia is growing fast, I told Brian today I want to turn back time to three weeks ago so I can spend more time with her and enjoy her being tiny. We weighed her on a baby scale yesterday and my 6 pound 9 ounce 41 week baby weighed exactly 9 pounds. Not bad for only three weeks. Her face is changing and her hair has stopped getting lighter so she may be a brunette after all. We are taking our first road trip to MN at the end of this week to meet family and friends there. Brian and I went to Target and got so much junky snack food to keep Noah busy during the 14 hour car ride it was disgusting. We also invested in a portable DVD player that attaches to the back of the seat in the car so we can fill him full of animated junk on the way. I will be returning to work on the 19th. Too soon for me but its what I need to do. I have asked that Lydia be able to come with for another 6 weeks for half the day. They are looking into it and should let me know before then. We will post more pictures soon.
11 years ago
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