Little Bean has officially been outside longer than inside! It is amazing. Everyday he seems to grow and bring us excitment and challenges. Yesterday I came home from work and Greg said that Noah walked from the ottoman to the couch all by himself. I still don't believe it, nor do I want to because I wasn't here to see it. Hopefully he will do it this weekend so we can see him. Noah is having trouble going to sleep. Those late nights and long days at work for me have been very draining. Please pray that we have the patience and the sanity to get through this phase. Noah had his follow up at the doctor. His iron was in the perfect range so no need to supplement. He has started to drink goat's milk because I can no longer keep up with him. At the beginning of December we will see the surgeon to find out more about his legs.
Here are some things Noah is doing this month
- Waving
- High 5's
- Pointing at pictures when you read him a story
- Wrestling
- Playing Peek-a-Boo with a blanket
- Trying to put something on his head after you do it
- Standing and walking along everything (including the drying rack)
- Playing with Tupperware
- Standing up without hands for very short periods of time
- Screaming as if he were being tortured when he has to put clothes on or a diaper
- Putting his face in the water in the tub
- Playing tug a war with the dogs
- Throws balls and everything for the dogs
- Throwing food on the floor for the dogs
- Playing in the dog's water
- Changing TV channels
- Drinking from a sippy
- Favorite eats are: fruits, lentils with garlic, lasagna, pancakes, Miso soup, juice
Playing in the Dog Water
See my curls?
Teething Buds
Close Up
The elusive "monkey face"
"I am NOT going to open my mouth so you can take a picture"
Loving to be Naked
I'm a Big Boy with my cup
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