We are a little late posting. It has been a very busy month! Noah had his 9 month check up. He was 19.6 pounds and 30.5 inches long. He is still in the 97% for his height but only in the mid 30% for his weight. Overall he is healthy and on track. The doctor was a little concerned about his low iron so we are trying to get that up but he usually refuses to eat anything that is not fruit! The doctor was also still concerned about his legs so he will be seeing a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in December to get them checked out. There is a chance everything will resolve on its own otherwise there are a lot of options from some physical therapy to braces on his legs. At this point no one thinks surgery will happen which is good.
Here are some of the things Noah is up to:
- Finger Foods (especially ALL fruits but still nothing green)
- Goat's Milk when there is no breast milk around
- Walking along the furniture
- Two bottom teeth springing up....quickly and sharply
- Crawling out the door to the deck (Dad built a gate on the top of the stairs)
- Talking about everything
- Pointing
- Making associations and trying to communicate them to us (points at a speaker when there is sound coming out of it on a toy)
- Sleeping more during the night
- Favorite toys are tupperware he gets himself from the cupboard
- Opening things
- Pounding things
- Playing fetch with the dogs (throws the balls)
- Swinging
- Practicing a "sippy" cup
- Loves Books
- Dancing
- Loves to crawl and be chased or chasing mom and dad
- Swimming and putting his face in the water
- Playing with other kids
- Going to the zoo and feeding the giraffes (he holds onto the crackers so they lick him and laughs)
- Looks for animals at the zoo and points
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