Friday, October 31, 2008


Noah was able to celebrate his first Halloween. At first he was going to be a giraffe but his mom was too cheap to buy the costume and decided to try to find one on Craigslist. Then last week, realizing she was running out of time she went to find one. All the giraffes were sold out so she settled on a cow. So Noah was a cow for his first Halloween and a cute one at that. He dressed up and went to Old Colorado City where he met up with Kate and her family. We went trick or treating and then went to the park for some fun pictures. Then we came home and handed out candy. There were so many kids with costumes it was fun. We sat on the porch in the rockers with wine in hand and greeted all the kids. Noah only lasted until 7 when he passed out from the day's acitivities.

Our Awards:

  • Best Costume: the Knicks hipster girl
  • Best Quote: "I'm Hilary Clinton...because I hate her....and she's ugly....I'm for McCain". Response: Way to go! Friend: I like Obama. Hilary: Sometimes you need to kick their you-know-whats. as he runs away (nothing like a 9 year old politican)


Carolyn said...
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Carolyn said...

You're a super-cute lil cow, Noah, and I hope we can play together again soon! Happy 1st Thanksgiving! Love Kate